Just now I was staring out the window at a commercial airliner in the distance, coming in to land, and thinking about things that go fast...
- The new 190mph bullet trains that China have just launched last month.
- The 17,580mph NASA shuttle, retired a couple weeks back.
- Google's + social networking site, growing at 25 million people a month.
What I really want to emphasize was that if you want to get somewhere fast - you cannot take the slow route.
If you were a courier company, and wanted to get your parcel cross country as quickly as you could...
You cannot cycle.
You need something that will rocket you to the other side - and a commercial jet is fine.
A bicycle is not.
The slow route is unproductive.
The same applies when you want to win the lottery.
You MUST fast-track your efforts.
And the quickest way is to ensure you play EACH game.
As you probably know from my info to you, the basic Silver Lotto System will get you an 80% winning chance.
Hi Ken;
...I WON $100,000!!!!!! on my second try. Your system works and your tips are very important to follow. I'm continuing to play and expect to win again. I'll write again when I do. Thanks for a system that works.
Regards, Ron
It's good (hey - better than most other systems), but you really need more than that.
So the next step is my Lotto-80 System.
It tells you what week to play so you don't lose your hard-earned money.
That still doesn't SPEED up the winning process for you though.
The best and fastest method to play each game is to use the
PRO version of my Silver Lotto System.
That means you play each and EVERY game on your terms, and this rockets your win rate up to 98% based on my winning strategies.
I've won: $400.00, $300.00, $75.00, $50.00, $10.00, $5.00, $3.00 not just once but many times... I won every week for four months on Powerball. It was a great feeling...YOUR SYSTEM WORKS.
Thank you
Michael A. (ardo*****@alltel.net)
To get you excited about the PRO results, each week at this time I put up the Lotto-80 System component of the PRO System, for free.
I list just 5 games out of the 87 there, and give the results to you for nothing.
I'm offering it so you can feel more confident about getting the Lotto-80 System for yourself.
After all, there's not much to lose - it only costs less than $8 a MONTH.
And used with the
PRO System (which is the Silver Lotto System, Lotto-80 System and 4 special Custom Profiles together), it's a winner.
So here's the games that have a 50% chance of winning with the
Silver Lotto System over the next week, as predicted in my Lotto-80 System membership pages.
Australia Lotto
Canada Ontario 49
Singapore Toto
USA Powerball
New York Lotto
Hop over to the Lotto-80 site and take a look.
You'll be surprised how easy it is to use.
And fast.
Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver