Tuesday, June 26, 2007

3 Ways To Stay Lotto-Positive

I often write about the dramatic improvements you can get in winning lotto by staying positive.

And I bet you looked sideways at my words and thought: "Ken, you've cracked up big-time! You're trying to tell me how can I win a game of chance just by staying positive?"

Well, doubter you may be, but I will tell you - there's 3 ways I can tell you right now:

1. Staying positive keeps you playing. And that's the most important part of winning lotto - taking part! Without your "entrance ticket" - the tickets you buy to get into the game - you'll get diddly squat. (That means nothing, my friend).

2. By being positive, you energize the players around you. Lotto is not a solitary game... it is meant to be enjoyed by many people. So gather everyone together round the tv when the game is drawn, and make a social occasion of it. See how the reinforcing effect is keeping you interested, and PLAYING?

3. Remember that a percentage of your play money goes to worthy causes. Clubs, charities, volunteer organizations... they all benefit by your generosity. And if you believe in karma - the attitude that what you give out will always come back manyfold, then that's your reward.

Stay positive!

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