Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Are You A Hobby Lottery Player?

Are you a hobby lotto player, or a serious investor?

Did you know the difference isn't the amount of money you spend on lotto tickets? 

You could be a $50-a-game player, and still be a hobbyist.

The difference is in your attitude.

Hobby players:
  • - Play only when they feel good.
  • - Vary the amount of money they spend. Could be $5 one week, $30 the next.
  • - Don't stick to known facts, but play as the mood takes them.

Nothing wrong with that. After all, lotto is a fun game and should be played when you enjoy it.

But hobby players are unlikely to get anywhere fast. 

The secret to winning big is to change your perspective. 

TIP: Be a hard-nosed investor. Not 
  only will it benefit your own games, 
  but you'll find you attitude will 
  spread to other parts of your life too.

Once you realize that YOU have control over your money, you'll think more about how you spend it. You will spend less on frivolities and more on stuff that does you good. 

As a serious lotto investor, you've got to realize several things...
  1. Your lotto game investment won't always pay off. Just like the real world, you sometimes have to make a loss before a profit. Grin and bear it.

  2. You MUST be consistent. Playing when you feel like it gets you nowhere fast. Put money aside and play regularly.

  3. Don't let emotion cloud your judgment. Sure, it's fun thinking about what you can buy with your Big Win, but don't get upset when you don't win some weeks. It's all part of the game. Enjoy the day's draw, then start thinking about the next week. 

OK, let's get you winning. Have you bought the Silver Lotto System yet?

Do it now to get ready for next weekend's game. 

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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