Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Achoo! Got Affluenza?


It means being rich and unhappy.

I was watching a documentary about it during this morning's early insomnia time (yawn).

The program featured several people in the USA's Silicon Valley area who had become seriously wealthy after the sale of their businesses or a sudden windfall.

Guess what...

All of them had quit their jobs.

None of them worked at a regular job. (And you all know what J.O.B. stands for, don't you? ... Just Over Broke!)

Would you do the same if you won lotto this week?

Sure you would. There are very few people who enjoy their jobs... or more particularly who enjoy being told what to do, where to go, and when to do it. That sucks.

Human beings are essentially free ranging animals. We are at our best when we exercise our free will.

Now - it's often shown that quitting work will do you no good at all, mentally.

Most people need something to fill the gap in their life.

I have a friend who commented on the number of visitors he gets at his industrial site office... they are usually men without jobs, retired mostly, just looking for company and a friendly ear.

And this was the point of the tv program I saw. These people were also trying to fill their now-empty lives with something more fulfilling. And they had difficulties doing it.

They were rich financially, but poor emotionally.

My suggestion is to recognize your problem and start now - before you become a lotto king.

Think seriously about what you would do when you acquire that large sum of spendable cash.

Sure, you will quit your job. But what do you replace it with?

One of my daughters is passionate about animals. They are like a magnet to her wherever she goes. And yet I get the feeling that if she gave up her managerial job to look after dogs on a professional basis, she will not be as satisfied.

But she should try it anyway. Just to find out what would happen.

This is something you can do now too. Test out another career, another direction, in your spare time - just to see what would happen.

Fortune favors the fully prepared.

So if you catch Affluenza, you'll know what to do.

OK. Get started winning - so you have something to think about, like Ron here:

Hi Ken,
I WON $100,000.00!!!!!! on my second try. Your
system works and your tips are very important
to follow. I'm continuing to play and expect
to win again. I'll write again when I do.
Thanks for a system that works.

We have paid all our creditor off. Planning a
trip to Santa Barbara, Ca where we will
eventually move to. Now we have a good down
payment for a house when we move.

I'm looking forward to more wins and be able
to buy a house for cash.
Ron B

Got Affluenza yet? gesundheit! (Word used to wish good health, especially to a person who has just sneezed.)