Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why Winning The Lottery Or Getting An Oscar Helps You Live Longer

Two interesting news items for you today:

First, I'm gradually moving all my lottery services into one central website to make things easier for you. 

And I've just now finished another changeover.

The Support Desk is now at the Lotto Life blog here: http://thelottolife.com/help.

You'll see an extensive FAQ there of nearly 100 answers which will cover most of your questions. 

And you can use the handy FAQ Search too, to speed your query along.

If you have a question about your product... it not arriving, or how you should play - check there first. 

And second...

Want to live longer? The secret is more easily achieved than you think.

I've been re-reading a book from my personal library which reveals how the lottery - yes! - will actually help you live longer.

See the full story here, and why you should start doing some of the ideas it suggests: http://thelottolife.com

This slim book tells what you should do to extend your life in some amazing ways. I've revealed a few of them in the Lotto Life post.

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver