Sunday, March 18, 2012

How The JetSetting Millionaire Focused My Lottery Life

The millionaire businessman about to buy my Mercedes sports car was brief and to the point.

"My jet is being serviced right now, so I can't get down to see the car," he emailed me. "Please answer these questions for me..."

And he went on to ask some brief pointed questions about its condition.

My first impression was that he was a fake. 

Because I didn't know anyone who owned a private jet in our tiny country - apart from film maker Peter Jackson with his sleek Gulfstream.

So I got on to Google and found out a bit more about our jetsetting friend. 

Find out what I discovered at my blog:

It was an eye-opener to be sure.

I'll also tell you how the experience changed my attitude to winning, and how I make sure you benefit too.

Take a look now:

Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver