Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Lottery Year!

Three items today...

First, the Lifetime Offer has gone. Congratulations to the fast-movers who obtained one of the most amazing offers I've ever given in my 18 years in this business.

All that's left is the chance to grab this Offer again when my next Winner's Circle syndicate fills up. I don't know when that will happen, so I'll give you the URL of the website in the next post and you can get in the queue to register your interest. 

Second, on the 4th January Powerball USA changed its numbers. 

Don't worry.

If you already have my US PowerSpread System for Powerball, I'm going to give you a new one, at no cost to you. 

It's annoying when a game changes its policy, and you shouldn't be the ones to miss out.

So instead of buying a new PowerSpread System, all you have to do is send me an email with "New Powerball" in the subject line.

I'll look up and change your existing PowerSpread System to the new numbers, and send a new one back to you. 

Be patient, there will be a lot of requests. I need to check and find your Profiles, then redo them. It may take up to a week.

Third, on the subject of long delays, I get a LOT of email. Hundreds a day.

And I've yet to find a system or assistant that will help me answer them all quickly. So I use automated answers in many cases to help reduce the load.

The biggest problem is people not receiving my product.

And the answer is remarkably simple... 

Your email host - or your computer - blocks my emails coming through. Before you laugh and say that never happens, sadly it does - a lot. It's the 'lotto' topic that causes the problem.

So get a Yahoo or Hotmail email account, and try again. 

And always look through your delete folder... my mail often goes there. 

If you want to talk to me about related topics - as many of you do - I'm sorry I can't reply in detail, or as promptly as I would like.

Hope you understand now.

My Support page answers a lot of questions you may have:

How's your New Year going so far?

Are you enjoying it? 

No? Maybe the weather is a bit cold for you. Many countries are feeling the chill.

Perhaps you're caught up in all the financial scandals going on.

Relax, everything comes out right in the end. It's just the 'in-between' suffering that makes the world not look so rosy for many folk.

One of the ways to get through this period is to remain optimistic. If you're blessed with natural enthusiasm like me, you'll do OK.

But if hard times get you down, here's the answer...

Don't listen to bad news.

But better than that, you need a plan.

A plan and goal that puts your life well beyond the tough times.

Surprisingly, lotto helps.

That's because every week you have something to look forward to. Each week contains the excitement of the possibility of riches beyond your wildest dreams. 

Nothing else compares to this feeling of anticipation before the game. 

A new job, a promotion, a birthday - even a tax cut... none of the ordinary celebrations of a normal life can ever compare to the awe-inspiring, shocking, life-changing event that a lot of money cascading into your bank will have on your life.

It's fun, and will change your life situation in a way that no other event can. 

(Except maybe a baby... one of my daughters had her third child yesterday. I bet she is wondering how this small bundle of joy will affect her life from now on!)

If you plan to play lotto every week this year, there's one sure thing... you will win at some point. Big prize or small - it will change your attitude.

I experience this special occasion every time I play, as do many others. 

It's a great life! Join me!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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