Tuesday, December 02, 2008

2 Easy Ways To Play Lottery For Free

The more lottery tickets/coupons/lines you play, the greater your chances of winning.

But jeepers, it gets expensive doesn't it!

Some games cost $2 a line.

And you need at least 5 lines to get anywhere, even with my systems.

So, how do you get spare money to play as often as you need to?

Easy. Tell someone else about my Silver Lotto System.

When you do, and they buy it, you get almost $20 each sale to play a couple weeks of your game.

For nothing.

There's your tickets paid for.

There are 2 easy ways to get started. One way costs a little. The other is free... but takes a little work:

#1. Buy my "5 Minute Fortune" system: http://www.5minutefortune.com

#2. Sign up for free to my affiliate program here: http://www.silverlotto.com/affiliate-sign.htm. After you sign up you'll be directed to the affiliate pages and you'll be instructed on how to set everything up.

Let's talk about the "5 Minute Fortune" system, because it's the most effective way to get started. This small manual tells you how to make a simple website in about a couple of minutes, even if you don't know anything about the internet. 

No skill needed!

And the best part - after you buy the "5 Minute Fortune" system, everything else you do after that is free. Doesn't cost you a dime.

Heck, I even give you a $97 bonus manual on how to attract masses of free traffic to your no-cost website.

And when your referring sales start coming in, put that cash towards your next lotto ticket. Because the more you play, the more you win!

One of my resellers gets a cool $30,000 and more each year. There are many others too who earn a decent living from selling my products.

You may not achieve that level, but it shows you what to aim for.

After all, all you want to do is play for free, right?

That means you only need one sale a week. 

You can help lotttery players just by referring my product to them...
  • - without doing any selling, 
  • - without handling money, 
  • - without answering emails. 
Just refer them to my website.

Could anyone get that? Sure!

Your market is millions upon millions of people, all desperately searching for a way to win regularly at lotto. That's what my Silver Lotto System helps them do.

You show them how to get it, and profit when they buy.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

P.S. Get started right now: http://www.5minutefortune.com

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