Friday, December 05, 2008

The OJ Simpson Verdict

I've just been watching the OJ Simpson verdict on Fox tv. 

He got 16 years, and made a lot of formerly upset people very happy.

They consider justice was done.

But what interested me most was the unflinching, unmoving, unwavering woman judge who sentenced Simpson and his accomplice.

Even though she listened to their final speeches with empathy - and though some of the statements they made were believable and heart wrenching - she didn't move an inch from the stance that the law demanded.

In other words, she made up her mind and stuck to it.

Now, I sometimes get pleading letters.

People asking me to donate my systems so they can get started winning lotto.

Like the judge, I have every sympathy for their plight.

I would love to give my system to the world for nothing, just so I can improve the lives of folk who are getting hit hard right now. Friend of mine was made redundant yesterday, so I know how rough life can get. 

I'm very sympathetic too. 

But, like the judge who knew the worth of her opinion backed by law, I'm also tough.

I believe in the value of my products and how they can enrich people lives.

Share of $3.2 milllion!

KEN...last Saturday i was one of the lucky winners 
we shared the big jack (pot) ... This is where we 
stand today. 6 provisional winners of $537396.59 
each (Total of $3,224,379.00) and we are one of the 6.

Maher M.**

So if you're holding back waiting for me to give away my valuable stuff for nothing, sorry bud.

I sell a successful system - and it's worth every penny. The prices I'm offering you at the moment are the lowest they'll ever go. 

So take the steps towards a truly joyful Xmas and get started now.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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