Wednesday, August 16, 2006

3 Ways To Attract Good Luck.

My son-in-law had a car accident this afternoon.

Thankfully he wasn't injured, but it made me think. He seems to attract bad luck all the time. If anything could go wrong, it will happen to him.

Perhaps you know someone that seems to have a run of bad luck. Maybe you have bad luck all the time.

Why is that?

I think I have the answer for you. Let me explain...

It's common knowledge in the motorcycling world that where you look, you will go.

As a motorcyclist for many decades, I'm familiar with this. If you look at a stone in the middle of the road, your motorcycle will automatically start to veer towards it.

Ever wonder why a motorist will crash into the only tree on the landscape?

Same thing.

Whatever you look at, you will go.

This applies to good and bad luck as well. As simple as it sounds, if you constantly have positive thoughts in your mind, you will go there. You will accomplish whatever you think about. The mind is an extraordinarily powerful force... for good or bad.

So how does this apply to luck and winning lotto?

There are three easy steps you must follow:

1. Be prepared. That means having a good lotto system in place that you know will work. Otherwise it's just guesswork.

2. Be positive. You may think that simply thinking bright thoughts will not change anything... But you're wrong. Positivity is contagious. You are what you think, and positive thoughts lead to positive actions.

3. Take action. This is the most important step. If you had a premonition that this will be your winning week, then act on it. Buy the tickets, play the game.

Good luck can be engineered. You first have to think about it, then act on it.

Don't listen to anybody who hasn't won lotto... there are plenty of negative people around who will tell you how to lose. Instead, associate with winners - they will help you get to your goals.

Just like riding a motorcycle... where you look - you will go.