Saturday, April 01, 2006

I'm A Hopeless Failure

Getting a few emails lately from first-time buyers. That's nice, but wait till you read what they said:
"I have been reading your newsletters
for about two years now..."
"I really enjoy your emails, so after
reading them for 6 months I decided to buy..."

What??? They've been reading them for HOW LONG?

I was crushed. I fully expect readers to buy immediately after reading only one or two of my Lotto-Tips... such is the persuasive power of my scintillating prose, I thought.

After all, look at what I give them...

- An absolute guarantee of up to a year. Longer than any other lotto system (most who give NONE).
- A system PROVEN to work, as confirmed by hundreds of true, unsolicited testimonials.
- No hype. Other systems tell you how great they are - I tell you no-one can win lotto straight off. Honest facts.
- Entertaining and informative newsletters almost daily!
- Related products that empower you to win more, and win big.
- Email replies from me within 24 hours. Most lotto system websites don't answer at all. (I know, because I've tested).
- 16 years in the same business, 10 years online. That says it all.

Yet, some folk take up to 2 years to decide they want it! What an amazing flop I am!

Well, I think I have the answer... my newsletters are too entertaining! I provide too much hope, inspiration and happiness. There's no hard-sell and too much fluff and lightness.

OK. So from now on I will write dull, lackluster and lengthy newsletters that will bore the pants off you. You'll be forced to buy out of sheer boredom, because you know that purchasing my system is your only escape from my meaningless twitterings.

Don't look forward to tomorrow's issue, because you'll be yawning your head off at the first line!