Monday, April 10, 2006

Even A Zombie Can Do This...

Yes, it happened again...

Remember a couple of newsletters back I told you about several amazing coincidences... when main prizewinners won the big one yet again? Here's another lucky shot: an Australian grandmother won the main one twice in one game, because she accidentally entered the same numbers again. That happy mistake got her two prizes of $1,166,666 each.

Pretty good.

But the point I wanted to share with you concerned this sentence at the bottom of her interview..."Those are the numbers I've been using since Lotto first opened."

As the Sydney lotto began in 1979, that was a looooong wait for a win.

But - it reinforces one of the Honest Lotto System secrets yet again, which is - play the same numbers in every game!

Just to prove it, here's another story from last year:

A 43-year-old mother from Glenfield picked
up the entire first division prize of
$512,777.10 in last night’s Lotto draw with
numbers that had been used for 25 years by
her recently deceased father-in-law.

OK... I've said before that having the RIGHT numbers in a system is the real success step. But consistently playing those numbers in each and every game is the true, often forgotten answer.

True, it is a simple zombie step that anyone can follow.