Friday, August 27, 2010

Here's Another Way To Win Without The Lottery

I want to take a break today from giving you lotto winning tips, and talk about how you can 'win' in a different way with my Silver Lotto System.

And I have some surprising news to reveal to you about it.

First, read this from a happy winner:

Hi Ken
I been playing the lotto for 12 years and never had won any thing , then last week I brought you silver lotto system and did play saturday and monday, on saturday I got 3+ numbers and on Monday I got 5 numbers out of 6, I was so close to get the big one I never been that far so I am very happy I think one day I could get the big one who knows so far your system works, thanks mate.

How I can sell your systems to my mates and get the 20 bucks 

Jose. qal*****

It's this kind of testimony - and I have hundreds - that makes my systems so easy to sell to others. 

And Jose wants to know how he can sell to his mates and get $20 commission for each sale. (Actually, his commission is now closer to $27 since I recently raised the amount my affiliates get. And one of my popular products will give him almost $60).

The answer's simple.

First you need to buy - or have bought - the Silver Lotto System.

This is a requirement.

Then you hop along to my lotto affiliate website

There you'll find a huge page full of multiple ways you can sell my system to others... with little effort.

We're not talking pennies here.

A couple of weeks back one of my resellers made over $10,000.00 in less than 5 days. That's hard cash in his pocket... all his... to spend on a second car, boat or vacation... maybe hire a helicopter for a day and take his partner for a trip to another city.

And recently others have made between $2,000 and $3,000 A DAY... and on Monday August 16th, another affiliate netted (in his pocket) $4,200. In one day.

This is not play money.

It's a growing trend towards serious and ongoing income that some smart resellers are coining in from sales of my lotto system.

And it gets better.

In a week or two I'll be finishing off a Special Report for my own proprietary selling system that has brought me in milllions in sales over the last few years.

I call it the Lotto Code.

This is a massively effective way for you to build up to a possible Million-A-Year as an affiliate. 

And you don't have to be any kind of expert either... it's all set out for you in a special way that's easy and do-able.

While you're waiting for me to finish the Report, the first step is to visit the Lotto Affiliate Center and take a look round.

It's one of the most complete webpages for selling an affiliate product that you'll find.

And it's got tons of easy methods you can use - and that are proven to work.

You can only get in if you have bought the Silver Lotto System:

Buy first if you don't own one, then come back here and sign in: 

The best part about selling the Silver Lotto System is that we've hardly even touched the hundreds of millions of lottery players round the world that lose every week and desperately need my system.

The market is vast and virtually untouched right now.

What would $2,000 a day do for your life right now? 

Right now is the best time to start!

Sign in now if you're a Silver Lotto System owner: 

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver