Monday, November 09, 2009

The Upside Down Pyramid

Most people live their financial life in constant struggle. Here's how it starts...

Imagine a giant pyramid. Many of us start at the bottom, searching for a way to the top. We walk round and round the base while the sweat runs off and our legs get tired. 

We are working hard.

Eventually we get promoted, get older, get more experience... and start to climb the sides of the pyramid.

Finally, after a lifetime of searching, climbing and striving, some folk reach the pinnacle, the top of the pyramid. 

Success is theirs. They have money, wealth and power.

Sometimes it can be fun. Most times it is hard, unfulfilling work.

Now tip the pyramid upside down. 

The top is now the starting point. Imagine having everything you need, all at once - without the struggle.

Some folk say struggle builds character.

Well, that may be so if you want the lines of worry to show on your forehead, your stooped shoulders to reflect a lifetime of striving to make ends meet, your bones to creak with overuse.

I don't believe struggle is a benefit, and here's why.

A while back I saw a tv news item - an interview with some passengers from a gigantic cruise ship docking in our harbor. It was one of the weekly visits from the liners I can see from my harbor-top home.

One passenger, a pleasant, middle-aged American, was a professional cruise ship traveler. So he told us.

For many years he just cruised and lived life to the full. He visited each port and spent lavishly while he was there.

For me, the best part of the interview was observing his attitude. He wasn't embarrassed about his opulent lifestyle. He enjoyed it to the full. I've never seen anyone more relaxed and easygoing.

He was a great advertisement for someone who enjoyed his life.

How do you get to this point, to have everything NOW instead of later?

Times are tough right now. How will YOU escape?

Will you work harder... even though your work output has nothing to do with how your company is doing on the world market. It could crash.

Listen, you should try for the top right now, using lottery winnings as your achievement accelerator.

It's being done all the time. 

With my system Maher M got a sixth share of $3.2 million. Others have got up to $280 grand, and several over $100 grand. Thousands of others have won constantly since I started back in 1991.

They are at the top of the pyramid, and it didn't take a lifetime to get there!

Get going with this easy start.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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