Friday, April 01, 2011

Does Passion Really Make You Money In The Lottery?

If there's one thing that really gets me riled up, it's people talking about how you should follow your passion and the money will come.

The commonly-held theory is that when you do something exceptionally well in your job or business, you'll earn more money from it.

But what if you are a passionate beekeeper... a passionate tree pruner... a passionate original greeting card maker... a passionate ditch digger? 

Well, unless you have exceptional abilities, none of these will turn you into a multimillionaire.

The object must be to make money first. Then you'll get to enjoy your passion without any worries.

So I suggest that for the rest of this year you concentrate on gaining large sums of money. Sure, get passionate and increase your skill level in your job. But first make sure that all your energy is first directed towards making a fortune.

With all the money you've ever needed, you can be as passionate as you like about any topic... any subject... anything that takes your fancy. It's much easier to work from this way around - than to try and turn your hobby or passion into a business producing millions of dollars a year.

Winning lotto should be your sole passion since it's the easiest way to acquire large sums without work. 

Pour all your energy into playing, reducing your odds and increasing your win opportunities with my Silver Lotto System.

Just thought I'd update you since my last communication - Ken
I have continued to win at EACH and EVERY draw I entered since
purchasing your system. Again I won $500.00 this last Saturday,
it's like having a part time job or something!!! To reiterate, I
have won EACH and EVERY draw I entered.
Yours truly, Diane
(name and address supplied)

I fully realize this is a lightweight objective when compared to creating the world's highest building, or saving the world from poverty and starvation, or bringing health to everyone. 

But the power of a huge capital base cannot be underestimated. With enough money you can lever the world.

My system is ready for you to take advantage of today, and I'm passionate about getting it to you at the lowest price:

Now get winning!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver