Thursday, April 07, 2011

How To Live In The Lotto Winning Future


I love the future.

I love the way it portrays the hidden promise of golden days to come.

There's nothing more exciting to me than a future lottery game yet to be played.

And I like the future in my daily living as well.

Example: I have several Roomba's... electric robot vacuum cleaners... that whisk through our home while I catch some sun or do something more interesting.

And: A week ago I changed my computing system back to the Apple Mac - mainly because it is well designed, but also because it is the style of the future.

I don't use a mouse. Mac have a separate trackpad that sits, smooth and sleek, by my keypad. That is the way of the future, for a while.

I would be the first to buy a robot butler.
I would buy an electric car like the Audi in the film "I, Robot."
I would buy all white clothes and a tinfoil hat.

OK, maybe not the last item :)

I've never been backwards in creating my own future. When I started my first community newspaper back in 1984, I was the first publisher in my country to use a computer - the Apple Mac Plus - to lay out pages onscreen. And I held that lead for nearly 5 years before anyone else realised the huge advantages and savings for their own publishing.

It's ironic that 1984 was the year that would change the world.

But the future that is to come is going to be far more exciting than we all realize.

And that is for me a big part of why lotto is so great...

The best game of the future is yet to come.

Of course, the best kind of future is the one that could happen next game... the multi-milllion dollar Powerball or MageMilllions draw that will change your life for ever.

And you'd never have to worry about the future any longer.

Take the next step. 

See my products from the ad on the right.

Meet the future head-on!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver