Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Back In The Bad Ol' Days (And I NEVER Want To Return There!)

A computer glitch last week meant that the Lotto-80 results for week ending 13 March were delayed. 

Fixed now, sorry.

Some orders were affected too, but those also are now up to date.

It's only the second or third such problem since I started the service online back in 1995.

And it has made me think... 

This year celebrates 20 years of the Silver Lotto System.

I started on the world wide web back in 1995.

And I've had LESS problems in the last 15 years of business than the first 5 years.

I can remember all sorts of problems with international mail... orders sent that were lost for good, or were taking a month to arrive. Some of them ended up being chewed by the occasional dog or got wet in the mailbox.

And each time I had to send a replacement, which - because of our distance from many countries - would cost me all my profit on both orders.

Those were the days, and I hope I never have to repeat them!

Email and digital delivery has made everything easier, cheaper and faster.

I never tire of the benefits of pressing a key and helping someone on the other side of the world, no matter what time of day or night.

It's a great life, this digital nirvana.

Now, each week around this time I select 5 lottery games at random from my Lotto-80 System, and give you a weekly prediction.

I select them from 87 other game days in the private membership System.

Every main lottery is there. So if you have the Silver Lotto System and want to get the most out of it, then I recommend you use my Lotto-80 system. It takes all the trouble out of figuring out WHEN you should play.

It's easy really.

As a member you click into the member's website and look for your game.

If you see a green square opposite your game, you are good to go.

If it is red, then you have 2 choices:

 1) Either don't play as it recommends and save your hard-earned money, or...

 2) Buy the PRO System and play anyway.

The Silver Lotto PRO System is designed to use the Red no-play days and turn them into Green play days.

And again, all you do is follow the colors.

Couldn't be simpler, and only takes a second or two each week.

Today I choose the games which have a 50% or more chance of winning this coming week using Lotto-80 and the Silver Lotto System together. 

You'll be able to play any of the 5 games I select at random below.

But of course, you need the Lotto-80 membership because most games play more than once a week. You won't know which day to play from the short list below. 

If you want the Lotto-80 System, it is less than $8 a month right now.

The good thing today is that if you sign up at the low under-$8/mth rate, and the price goes up, you are locked in. That membership price will never go up until you leave, then you're on the high rate if you rejoin.

Or get the PRO System (includes Lotto-80) here: http://www.silverlottopro.com

THIS COMING WEEK'S PICKS: (Available to Lotto-Daily subscribers: http://www.silverlotto.com/#ezine)

Canada *******
Singapore *******
Arizona *******
California ********

Get in there!

Many others do...

The results for the Silver Lotto System speak for themselves:
- $3.2 Million by Maher M.
- $1 Million by Lester R.
- $281,183.00 by Robert W.
- $175,000.00 by Larry.
- $100,000 by Phil F.
- $100,000.00 by Ron B.
- $70,634.60.00, Canada 6/49 by Murray B.

And get subscribed to my newsletter... this information is available to you as a Lotto-Daily subscriber: http://www.silverlotto.com/#ezine.

Or get the PRO System (includes Lotto-80) here: http://www.silverlottopro.com

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver