Monday, December 07, 2009

The Other Side Of Tiger Woods

As we've read over the last week or so, Tiger Woods is a complex character.

Sure, we all know about his golfing prowess and embarrassing accident.

But it was his appearance on Ellen DeGeneres's show a while back that made the biggest impression on me.

Both Ellen and Tiger stood facing the back of the stage. It was covered in what seemed to be canvas, and there was a small hole about 1 foot in diameter fairly high up.

It was a contest. Tiger was going to demonstrate how to hit a ball into the hole, and Ellen would follow.

Tiger took but a second to compose himself over the golf ball on its tee, then he hit it.

I've never seen anything like it in my life.

With a great thwack that resonated through the theater, the ball flew straight as a die right into the middle of the hole about 50 feet away.

He repeated the move, but this time the ball ripped through the backing after passing through the hole.

In an instant I realized what made him great.

It wasn't his enormous power.

It was focus and practice.

His father had taught him well. Since starting at the age of three, Tiger was well advanced in that sport by the time he reached his teens.

And we all know the rest of his success story.

There are two lessons we can take from his demonstration and apply to winning the lottery.

First, you can never start too early.

If you haven't bought my system yet, now's the time to do it. Tomorrow is too late.

Second, focus like a laser.

Tiger's ball flew straight as an arrow with an enormous force into the middle of the hole. It was the result of concentration and focus built up over years of practice.

In the same way, you must concentrate on one game only. And play it to the end.

Don't get diverted with different opportunities... the game you concentrate on will be the one you win.

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver

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