Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ken Silver Revealed

If you haven't bought from me yet (or even if you have - thank you!) you might be very interested in what I have to say over the next few posts. I'm revealing a few secrets about both me and my Silver Lotto System... the sort of background information I'll generally never talk about unless pressed.

Some questions here are ones I get asked often. Others are those I think you would ask me - except you're too polite! Some are really surprising.
Let's go:

*** Ken, what's an intelligent person like you selling a lotto system fergoodnesssake?

Thanks for the 'intelligent' compliment! Personal challenge is the main answer. The other answer is People and Profit. One rubs the other. Fact is, I'm commercially motivated. When I look at any project, I automatically try to figure out how I might benefit from it financially.

Don't get me wrong, profit is not my first objective.... the First Rule of Business is to ensure a good product gives a real benefit for the buyer. That's very true with the Silver Lotto System which has a huge advantage for all lotto players. That genuine quality means I can sleep at night knowing I'm giving you the best product I can. OK, enough of the advert...

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