Friday, February 24, 2012

How To Win The Lottery Faster Using This Guy's Leapfrog Strategy

There was a picture in our local paper a few years back of a guy posing with one of the top Mercedes sports cars available. The car was maybe a few years old, but one of the most expensive models available.

Because I had owned several of these, I was curious. So I sat down to read more.

Turns out he was a Mercedes technician (mechanic they called them back then), and he was a true advocate for the brand. He was passionate about the Star... the symbol of this brand.

He loved these cars so much that he had put all his savings over many years into buying the best model he could afford.

His life was a mismatch for owning such an expensive asset. His home was a small 2-bedroom flat with a single garage for his pride and joy. He lived modestly, had no money to speak of.

But he had leapfrogged. 

He had ignored all the critics and jumped right over the life sequence we all are chained to... gone straight to the top in a single bound.

Instead of matching a car with his lifestyle and financial position, he had bypassed all the theory about a car being worth no more than 10% of his house value - and gone for the top automobile.

He may never be able to afford lavish dinner parties in expensive hotels, nor travel the world in luxury. But he doesn't care... he owns this symbol of status for a different reason.

Everyone should leapfrog. If you don't, how will you know that the job that seems out of reach... the expensive jewelry that you love but is out of your league... the mansion that you've envied round the corner... is available to little ol' you?

If you want it, ignore the critics... take a deep breath and go for it. You'll never know what you can achieve until you ignore conventional thinking and strive for your dream, your passion.

Most people are the opposite when they use my systems. That's usually because they are used to buying $5 quickpicks. Anything more expensive and the alarm bells go off in their heads. They are limited by their beliefs.

Even when my system shows they can get far more success by increasing their ticket numbers, they shy away.

That's not the right approach.

Like the Mercedes passionista, they should leapfrog... jump over the tiny regular amounts they used to spend, and save up those amounts until it grows into one larger lump sum. 

That sum invested in tickets will increase their chances many times over.

Dear Mr. Ken,
Finally hit $23,000 my biggest pay off on 
MegaLotto 6/45 yesterday...I persistently 
played 30 lines out of 120 every draw @ 
3 draws a week. I am very happy using 
your system because almost every draw, 
I hit small pay offs.
I hope to hit the jackpot soon.
ARMANDO, Philippines

Here's my suggestion to leapfrog your present situation:

1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started:
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive:
3. Get the PRO Custom Profiles to help you get the most from every game:

Visit my blog at and get involved:

- If you've won any prize using my system, share your good fortune with us here:
- Check out your game's winning results here (new free service):
Don't forget to see today's predicted games from my secret Lotto-80 membership site here:

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Make Every Play Day a PAY Day!
Ken Silver