Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Get Above The Clouds To That Winning Silver Lottery Lining

I'm sitting in my office looking out to a dull, gray February day with some light rain dripping down the windows.

And I'm annoyed.

Because the Yahoo weather application on my iPhone told me that today was going to be sunny.

So I had a few things planned that depended on the weather being dry and fine.

And the worst thing is that - just a couple of thousand feet away - the world is bright and sunny.

I'm not talking down the road... or across the harbor.

It's straight up.

Above the clouds.

Up there, it's always sunny.

The cloud base may very from a few thousand feet to 10,000 feet, but once you get above it... it's always bright and cheerful... a silver lining.

There is only one problem.

To access this brilliant weather, you need to be in a flying machine of some kind... a hot air balloon, glider, helicopter or commercial airplane.

The good thing is, it's relatively cheap. You can get an intercity flight for as little as 39 bucks on special.

And on the way you get to see the sunshine.

There's a parallel here with the lottery.

At the moment you're sitting on the ground, looking for the sunshine... that big win.

But you're never going to get it unless you pay the price.

I call this "the price of admission" - rather like getting into a baseball game.

Unless you pay the full entry fee, you'll see nothing but the outside of the stadium.

You want to get above the clouds on just a couple of dollars in your lottery game? You'll find it hard without paying the full entry fee.

That's why many of my Silverites (buyers of my Silver Lotto System) do so well. Like Ron:

Hi Ken;
I bought your system ... after several months of receiving your tips. I read your instructions and took my time creating my profiles. I followed your advice and play the best odds game of 5 of 35. My first play was only 5 picks from my profile 1. Nothing. I then followed the draws for several weeks checking if I would have won anything. Nothing. Then saved until I could play at least the 35 picks ($35) of profile 1. I won ten dollars. Well that was good. Saved again, reinvested that $10 into playing all of profile 1 again. I WON $100,000!!!!!! on my second try. Your system works and your tips are very important to follow. I'm continuing to play and expect to win again. I'll write again when I do. Thanks for a system that works.
Regards, Ron

Because these Silverites know that while they can get good results with a couple of dollars, the best way to the full 98% win rate is by paying the entry fee.

Sometimes I get e-mails from players who think they need to spend a fortune every week in order to win with my system.

It's not the case... you can play with less than the full system, it just takes a little longer.

But there's a simple answer. Just save what you were going to play each week, and spend a total once a month on your game.

And see what happens:

OK i tried many other lotto programs and
they all stank. i piled money in and got
nothing back. So i tried yours. it took a
while but i started to get some dollars.
Then last week I got $77,000. wow!!!! I
never had that much money in my life its
like 2 years wages all at one time. First
thing I did was to get my cards paid of.
Then I treated my G/F and family out. My
name is like gold in my home. Thanks!!!
John Nive, LA (name and address supplied)

Start now by checking out what you need from my system here, and get to the silver lining above every cloud!

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver