Monday, October 12, 2009

Have You Emotionalized Your Lotto Wish List Yet?

You know, winning the lottery isn't just about using my systems.

It's also getting what you want in life. Many players give this a lot of thought, but in an unstructured, loose kinda way.

You need to be more specific to get what you want... whether it's before you win - or after.

You need to make a wish list.

When you start thinking seriously about your wish list, it will not only help you gather your thoughts together so you know exactly what to do when you win. 

But it will also help you win.

Because, as we well know: Thought + Action equals WhatYouWant.

I'm the greatest achiever using this formula I know. 


At the moment, one of the world's most exotic cars sits in my garage, gleaming and shining, waiting to roar and bellow its way into the streets.

I bought it a month ago.... a silver Aston Martin. Yup, the James Bond car.

It sits alongside another of the best cars on the planet, a low slung Mercedes SL600 in glistening, wet black.

Both of these automobiles have been my dream for years. And now they're real.

But to get these glorious pieces of sculptured metal sitting in my garage, it's only recently I have started to actually materialize my vision in a special way.

I did this by making a wish list. 

Then - the secret - I emotionalized the list.

By that I mean that I went from beyond making a simple list - to describing in tiny detail what I wanted so I could feel the joys of ownership and driving.

The ride... how it feels, how the car reacts to my input, the smell of the leather.

Now, cars may not be your thing. It might be sewing machines or airships or alpacas.

Or all of those. No matter.

The formula works with everything.

The way to achieve your goals is to start making a list filled with stuff that sets your heart racing. 

Then you need to look at that list every day.

Better still, add pictures and sound to your experience. I watched Aston Martins on YouTube for months on end, seeing how they drove, listening to their sound, even reading admiring comments in the thousands from others who desired these exotics.

It all helped in bringing the dream to life.

I wonder what Maher's list looks like:

$3.2 MILLION!"

Dear KEN,
...Last Saturday i was one of the lucky winners - 
we shared the big jack (pot) ... 6 provisional 
winners of $537396.59 each (Total $3,224,379.00) 
and we are one of the 6.
Maher M.**

If you've read one of my earlier emails on this subject, you'll know that I have another car in mind, the Mercedes SLR. But to do that I need a larger garage in a larger house. And so my list expands!

I may get this car before I win again, or after. It's amazing how achieving your wish list works fast whether you have a bunch of cash or not.

So, make a wish list. Make it real by inserting your emotions. Study it daily.

When will you start?

Happy Winning!
Ken Silver


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