Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Half A Billion! What would You Do?

Unbelievable - the PowerBall offered $500 Million last week. How many countries could you save from starvation with that amount? How many jets would you buy? (Take your pick on these two options!)

Well, PowerBall has come to be such a huge attraction for everybody that I'm doing something about it.

In the past I have recommended you stay away from large games because the odds - in this case 1 in 146 million - are generally unobtainable. But shortly I'll be putting out a Special Powerball Custom Profile so that Honest Lotto System owners can take advantage of the enormous winnings available.

Watch this space!


Last newsletter I told you my Honest Lotto System gives regular but smaller wins to many people. I mentioned people were winning as little as $537,000.00 :-)

And the secret method to getting the most out of my Honest Lotto System is... i-n-c-r-e-a-s-e everything!

Here's the third of 5 ways to do it, using this special one word, "INCREASE":

3. I-n-c-r-e-a-s-e your 'play intelligence' by diversifying.
A change is often as good as a holiday. Sometimes you have to wait the week while your game is played, so do something new and stretch your brain! Here's a great system for helping you win at the slot machines. You get a free report even if you don't buy it - so how can you lose!: http://tinyurl.com/avn2x

The 4th way will appear in the next post. Don't forget, you can also "increase" your potential hugely by using the boosting benefits of my Winner's Circle. If you're quick you can get in for this coming Saturday's play. Go to: http://www.honestlotto.com/winnerscircle.htm