Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Let's Say You Won The Lottery This Week, Would You Quit Your Job? Really - Would You?

If you won big this week (and I'm hoping you will!), would you quit your day job?

Most people say yes. 

Many folks say they would gladly march into their boss and throw their empty lunch wrapper on the desk and say: 

"That's the last you'll see of this - and me!"

Others fantasize pinning a notice on their boss's door with "I QUIT" in huge letters on it.

I had the most pleasant experience of my life when I tossed in my last and final job many years back.

I'll tell you about it here: How I Quit My Job

If you want to get started right now on winning the lottery, do this:

1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started:
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive:
3. Get the PRO Custom Profiles to help you get the most from every game:

And don't forget to see today's predicted games from my Lotto-80 membership site here:

Make Every Play Day A Payday!
Ken Silver