Thursday, September 27, 2012

EXPOSED: You Won't Get Rich From Winning The Lottery Via The Internet

The internet is very useful for many things. 

For example, I looked up a recipe for chicken breast and bacon for dinner tonight.

I propped my iPad open by our Smeg gas hob and the cutting board, and followed the instructions. 

In 5-7 minutes my creation went into the oven.

And an hour later my wife and I were enjoying a delightful dinner.

I also have Siri on the iPad. 

So I can ask it, "What is 40 US dollars in Canadian dollars?" 

And it will answer. (It's almost dollar for dollar right now).

But if I try and find the winning lottery numbers for next week's game, it is as useless as any astrologer, horoscope or free lottery software program.

A search may bring up a number of lotto programs that all say they can help you win. 

But when it comes to this basic test, almost all fail.

To find out what this test is, read: "EXPOSED: The Internet Won't Help You Get Rich..." at


If you want to get started right now on winning the lottery, do this:

1. Buy the Silver Lotto System to get started:
2. Buy the Lotto-80 System to make your game more productive:
3. Get the PRO Custom Profiles to help you get the most from every game:

Make Every Play Day A Payday!
Ken Silver