Sunday, January 09, 2011
I know a lot of people who want to win the lottery.
A lot.
And I also know others who want what I have... a gaggle of supercars, hilltop mansion, gardener, long marriage, film star looks, modest :)
First - you'll be pleased to know - the actual answer is simple.
It's not any positive thinking rubbish... though I'm the first to admit I'm more positive than most people I know. But that could have come as a byproduct as I grew more successful. You don't see many negative millionaires.
And you also have to separate getting what you want from winning the lottery.
Because obviously the lottery is a game of chance.
Wanting to win makes little difference to your success.
But wanting to win will keep you making all the necessary moves to achieve your goal, and eventually you'll succeed by:
- getting my system and using it
- playing regularly and not missing a game
- persisting when the odds are against you.
Look, getting what you want is merely a programmable series of steps.
Most of these I laid out in a previous post. Use them, and you'll get what you aim for.
But let me tell you what the most important first step to success actually is. The step you should take before those above or anything else.
In one word:
That simple word is the difference between getting your private yacht, attractive partner, happy relationships, Mediterranean vacation... or your Wants just staying as an unanswered pipedream.
I'll tell you what I haven't revealed to even my wife in over 3 decades (though she might have guessed!). This: For my age, I'm still a simple-minded guy.
By this I mean, in an interesting and occasionally full life, one would expect by now I would possess increased intelligence, powerful leadership qualities, wisdom borne from experience, strong ethics.
But, apart from the last one, I don't have any of those.
Instead, I found I had to make do with what I've got already.
And it's not a lot.
So I have a magical WANT machine that makes up for my many personal deficiencies.
And that's all you need too.
Something to drive you from within.
Here's an example... Ted Williams, the American homeless tramp with the golden voice, was discovered begging on a freeway entrance a few days ago and is now voicing tv commercials for big money.
Check it out on Youtube when you finish reading this.
He was discovered at the start of a freeway turnoff, standing there with a sign, day after day, talking for a buck a time. For two years.
Two, long - probably cold and hot - years.
How did he survive?
His WANT machine was in overdrive.
Imagine standing in the same spot for over 700 days until being discovered - that's great persistence.
Do YOU want anything that bad?
Do you wake up with an emotional ache in your throat after dreaming about commanding and owning a luxury super yacht?
Do you catch your breath when an attractive car sweeps round the corner, in just your color?
Do you pore over the internet for real estate above $10 million?
Do you desperately wish for an unending stream of cash flowing into your bank account every day?
And do you do these things every day for years on end?
Then, like me, your WANT machine is working.
But most people can't imagine their improved life with such intensity.
Maybe, for them, age, location and health might be barriers to the success they Want.
I can tell you - it's not.
The only barrier is constrained thinking... a lack of a true Want.
As I've mentioned many times in my newsletters and blog posts, I'm no different that anyone else. I even have less than most people in the height, hair, looks and athletic departments.
But thanks to the power of the internet I don't have to rely on magnetic personality or strong oratory to sway others.
I'm working with my own limited skill set and using my WANT package to get ahead.
I still have a lot of WANTs.
The desire to acquire is strong, still, after years of dreaming.
That helps me suceeed.
Concentrate on your Wants... feed them, nourish and nurture them.
Whether it's winning the lottery or helping a family, bringing fresh water to the desert or giving poor children their eyesight, collecting expensive stuff or giving it all away to charity, it all starts with a WANT.
How strong is your WANT?
Is it an 11 on a scale of 10?
You'll achieve it, I guarantee that.
Build your WANT, then the rest will follow.
For winning the lottery, start here. For the rest, keep dreaming