Friday, September 22, 2006


Yes - C-R-A-S-H!

That was the sound of my server as thousands of eager visitors from round the planet tried to access my new autopilot lotto business website.

My server was toast trying to cope with the demand. I thought I even smelled it burning :-)

But it's fixed, and this incredibly popular mini-website oppportunity is up again, ready for you to take a look if you missed out before.

Here's the background...

A couple of days ago I launched a new way for YOU to profit from my free 55-page "Lotto Secrets Revealed" manual which has been read by over 7,700 readers.

The response has been massive - beyond my expectations - and I'm swamped!

Don’t worry, I'm getting through the backlog and will be caught up with your websites and email by Sunday.

Visit the lotto business website and see what all the fuss is about at

PS. So have you seen the "Lotto Secrets Revealed" manual yet? All you have to do is let one friend know about it, and it's all yours for free. Get your copy from, then just email your friend and tell them to visit the website too.


I'm only a few days away from completing my manual on traffic - getting traffic to your website. It shows you how to get mainly free (and also some paid) traffic rocketing to your website.

And there's a few original ideas I haven't seen anyone else do either.

If you bought the Lotto Mini-Website I talked about above, this sort of information will be top of your list. So stay cool - it's nearly ready.

The lotto mini-website is all part of my grand master plan... to empower as many people as I can to make them financially secure.

If you're on a pension like my 85 year-old mother based in England, halfway round the world from me, you don't have much left over at the end of the week. I make a regular monthly gift to her, and she's always grateful. The small donation means the difference between her scraping by, or having a few treats.

While the amount of my gift is relatively small, it has shown me that many people don’t need a lot of money to make their lifestyle easier.

So if I can help people earn $100, or $200, or $500 a week extra through my Lotto Mini-Website, I'll be delighted.

Then of course, I'm not forgetting about helping you get the Big Win either!